







Six amazing students made Meiho’s second annual 21st Century Junior High School English Presentation Contest a big success. On Sunday July 28th, six lovely students from three different junior high schools in western Tokyo came together to present on how people can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that the U.N. has laid out. These SDGs will help us tackle problems such as poverty, gender inequality, and environmental issues.

Three of the presenters focused on the environment and how people can contribute to environmental protection in their everyday lives. Presenters talked about the “3Rs” of reuse, recycle, and reduce as a concrete way we can all help the environment. Other presenters talked about the need to get involved in volunteer work and charity. Their message was that if we all help a little, many things can be done. And finally, one presenter talked about the need and potential of using substitutes for fish to help protect sea life.

After each presentation, presenters took questions from the judges. Although the presentations themselves were high quality, this gave the judges an opportunity to dig a little deeper and confirm that the presenters had really thought about their ideas. This was the most challenging part of the contest, but students rose to the occasion and did their best to provide that extra information.

At the end of the day, all of these young participants were winners. They all left with another great life experience that will further prepare them for the future. So, to our six participants, Meiho says thank you and please continue the good work you have started.

■ 主催 明法中学・高等学校 21世紀型教育推進部
■ 後援
■ トピック How we can contribute to SDGs ~SDGs達成に向けて、今、私たちができること~
■ 審査員
William Reed氏(山梨学院大学・iCLA教授)
Matthew Ownby氏(Toastmasters地区統括者、元NASA職員)
吉野 周氏(元セイコーホールディングス ブランド推進部参事)
新井 良雄氏(本校英語科主任)
Travis Holtzclaw氏(本校英語科教諭、21世紀型教育推進部)
■ 来賓
村木 尚生氏(東村山市教育委員会 教育長)

最優秀賞 武蔵野第三中学校生徒
優秀賞 原口舞千さん(大妻中野中学校)
特別賞 西岡拓夢君(明法中学校)
