Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ②Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ②Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ②Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ②

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。

Report about Stay at Cambridge
July 24th, 2023

Welcome talk & Writing an Official Signature

In the opening ceremony, the distinguished Sir Laurie Bristow KCMG, President of Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, marked the official commencement of the UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 with his signature. A former British diplomat, Sir Laurie focused his insightful talk on the UK’s diplomatic actions in the war-torn zone of Afghanistan, though fully considering the diverse array of cultures involved. This topic is both sensitive and political, making his perspective all the more valuable. The audience was privileged to hear his personal experiences from that time, particularly when he expressed a feeling of loneliness. The significance of this sentiment was not lost on the attendees, and many of us were curious to understand its deeper meaning. Nonetheless, we patiently waited as numerous students eagerly raised their hands to ask questions, displaying their genuine curiosity and enthusiasm. Among the participants were Rikkyo students, who were encouraged to prepare questions but seemed somewhat reserved in doing so. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was one of open engagement and appreciation for the valuable insights shared by Sir Laurie Bristow.

Following the welcome talk, Dr. Pete Dudley, a Governing Body Fellow of Hughes Hall and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the prestigious University of Cambridge, expertly led the post-talk discussion activities. His thought-provoking question on whether diplomatic decision-making should take precedence over cultural considerations ignited a vibrant and engaging conversation among the participants. They eagerly shared and debated their perspectives, resulting in a lively and dynamic exchange of ideas. Finally, the participants thoughtfully summarized their answers, culminating in a truly enriching experience for all involved.

Academic Lectures at Cambridge

After a satisfying lunch at Hughes Hall, we returned to Robinson College for a captivating series of academic lectures delivered by esteemed Cambridge lecturers. These intensive lectures revolved around the theme of “”Resilience”” and covered a diverse range of topics, from applications of robotics by Dr. Ishida in Engineering to air pollution toxicology discussed by Dr. Emirali from the MRC Toxicology Unit. Dr. Roughley from Archaeology shared insights on personal resilience, while Dr. Flipo from the Welding Institute explored developing a resilient mind and body through Aikido and Chado. It’s evident that such a profound theme can be best tackled in an interdisciplinary manner. Throughout the enlightening 5-hour lectures, some of the Rikkyo students displayed commendable courage by actively participating and asking thought-provoking questions. Witnessing their growth and enthusiasm made me genuinely happy.

Night Academic Sessions

Following a delightful dinner, a night academic session commenced, featuring Japanese researchers at Cambridge. Eleven researchers, predominantly specializing in science and medicine, passionately shared their research and its impact on society. The audience was captivated by their engaging talks, and the researchers were divided into groups, allowing participants to directly interact and inquire about their research or concerns for the future. Despite the late hour, the participants attentively listened and engaged with each researcher. One particular moment that left a lasting impression was when a researcher shared his experience of stepping out of his comfort zone with the support of his teacher, in response to a student’s question about studying abroad. This reminded me of the immense influence that teachers and mentors have on their students, often encouraging them to explore new paths they may not have considered before. To put it in a nutshell, providing opportunities for students to interact with knowledgeable and experienced individuals is crucial for broadening their horizons. This kind of mentorship and guidance can empower students to embrace new challenges and open doors to uncharted territories, ultimately fostering resilience and personal growth.”

UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ③UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ③UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ③UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ③

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。参加生徒の研修報告書を日本語と英語でご紹介します。

I took part in the UCL Japan Youth Challenge 2023 this summer. In this programme, selected high school students from schools in Japan and the UK take part in a variety of activities around an annual theme “Resilience”, with the aim of finding their own answers.

I participated in this program because I wanted to test myself to see what and how I could present myself in the company of high-achieving students. As it turned out, the answer to this motive was unsatisfactory. Looking back, I have more regrets than achievements. However, I am sure that what I gained during these ten days was an irreplaceable memory for me and a major turning point in my life from now on.


The first two days were held at our school. Therefore the Rikkyo students played the role of hosts to the participants and other people involved. I was a little anxious about fulfilling the dual roles of host and participant during these two days, which were a period of getting to know each other and the people we would be working with over the next ten days. However, I think I was able to deepen my friendship with my fellow students through the team games of dodgeball and football held in the gymnasium and the conversations we had during meals.

After finishing my stay at Rikkyo, I stayed at Cambridge and UCL in that order. I felt privileged to have had the opportunity to live and study at two of the greatest universities the world has ever heard of, which has become such nice memories in my life.

At Cambridge, the table tennis we all played together after dinner was memorable. When the programme had only started a few days earlier, I was casually playing table tennis in a communal area with some good Japanese friends. Gradually, more and more people gathered and I realised that I had become friends with friends I had never spoken to before. I had been worried that I could only talk to certain friends for a few days, but through this opportunity I was able to make British as well as Japanese friends. The casual moments outside of lectures are some of my favourite memories.

Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ①Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ①Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ①Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ①

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。

Report about Stay at Cambridge
July 23rd, 2023


On the inaugural day of our Cambridge experience, everything feels refreshingly delightful. The sky stretches in a brilliant blue expanse above, setting the perfect backdrop for a leisurely punting session. As I oversee the group, I can’t help but notice one of the Rikkyo students, blending in effortlessly with the British students, thoroughly relishing the majestic views of St John’s College, Trinity College, and King’s College. Engaging in cheerful conversations, marked by smiles and a genuine eagerness to comprehend local customs, he appears completely at ease. Amidst the tranquil ambiance of this academic city, I find myself thoroughly immersed in the atmosphere as well, cherishing every moment. Cambridge’s charm exudes from every corner, and it’s a pleasure to witness my students forming connections with the surroundings and the people. The leisurely pace and relaxing mood of the day only add to the joy of this unforgettable experience.

Cambridge group sightseeing

In the heart of Cambridge, our sightseeing journey begins with simple questions like, “”What’s that building?”” But it quickly evolves into engaging conversations about the history of each college. A kind British member enthusiastically shares captivating tales, like the tree at Trinity College, where an apple allegedly hit Isaac Newton, inspiring his theory of gravity. However, he humorously admits that this anecdote is just a delightful fabrication to entertain visitors like us. Despite the tale’s fictional nature, it adds charm to the already enchanting Cambridge experience, making our visit truly memorable.

Dinner Dining Hall, Robinson College

The day culminated in a formal dinner, providing an opportunity for Rikkyo students to exemplify exemplary manners for the other participants. Regrettably, I found myself engrossed in casual conversations with local students about Japanese cultures, inadvertently missing some significant moments. Nevertheless, it brought me immense joy to learn that many participants in the academic program harbored a profound interest in Japan, even considering it in their academic journey. Sharing this delightful discovery with my students undoubtedly lifted their spirits, leaving them feeling pleased and content. “

UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ②UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ②UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ②UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ②

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。参加生徒の研修報告書を日本語と英語でご紹介します。

This program was such a valuable and enjoyable experience throughout this summer. Before this program, I was very anxious because I was the only H3 student from Rikkyo School. However, I tried to interact with many students from Japan and abroad and was able to make close friends whom we still keep in touch with through this program. I often look back at the album and wish I could go back to that time. The program lasted for 10 days.

First day was held at Rikkyo School. We did self-presentation, and then went to the gym and played some sports. My team was named Draemon because our bibs were blue. We started with Dodgebee, and while our team performed well, we unfortunately lost all the games. Subsequently, before starting futsal, we changed our team name to Manchester. To my surprise, we were able to win all the games. That ice-breaking activity was so much fun. Following that, we had curry rice prepared by the Rikkyo staff. The meal tasted even better than usual after the physical activities.

On the second day, we moved to Cambridge and stayed at Robinson College for 2 days. During our first day in Cambridge, we went punting and explored the city. Later, I had a valuable experience: visiting the lab of the teacher who accompanied our sightseeing group. Besides that, we listened to beautiful Choir songs and ate delicious ice cream.

The following day marked the start of the lectures. I was nervous whether I would be able to understand what the professor said, but perhaps because I regularly take English classes at Rikkyo, I was able to understand what was being said, and I was able to gauge my current English proficiency. My favorite part of the lecture was about robotics. Surprisingly, I’m not usually interested in that topic, but this lecture turned out to be captivating.

On the fourth day, we moved to UCL and stayed in the dorm for 5 days. Every day was highly stimulating for me. We studied resilience related to SDGs to prepare for our final presentation. I chose “”Poverty”” as my topic and became a leader for this group, which involved listening to everyone’s opinions and engaging in numerous discussions with fellow members. We all worked together and made the presentation a success. That day, adults from Fukushima Prefecture prepared delicious sushi, famous sweets, snacks and other food for us. We all enjoyed our final dinner.

I am really happy that I was able to participate in this program this time. I am very grateful to all the people who gave me this opportunity, such as attending lectures at UCL and Cambridge University, creating a presentation with people from different nationalities, and meeting new people of the same age from different backgrounds who have clear dreams for the future. I would like to make use of this experience and continue challenging myself in various endeavors to acquire more knowledge.

このプログラムは、この夏休みを通して一番貴重で楽しい経験をさせていただいたものでした。参加する前は、立教英国学院の高校3年生は私だけだったのでとても不安でした。しかし、このプログラムを通じて国内外からの多くの学生と交流を図り、今でも連絡を取り合うほど親しい友達を作ることができました。アルバムをよく見返して、あの頃に戻りたいなとよく余韻に浸っています。このUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023は、10日間にわたって行われました。




4日目はロンドン大学(UCL = University College London)に移動し、実際にUCLの学生寮に5日間滞在しました。私にとってこの期間はとても刺激的な毎日でした。最終プレゼンテーションに向けて、SDGsに関するレジリエンスについて勉強しました。私は「貧困」というテーマを選び、そのテーマのグループリーダーとして皆の意見を聞き、メンバーと議論を重ねました。チームで力を合わせて成功させることができたプレゼンテーションは、とても達成感がありました。その日の夜ご飯は、福島県の関係者の方々が美味しいお寿司や福島県産のスイーツ、お菓子などを用意してくださいました。参加者、引率の先生方皆で最後の夕食を楽しみました。



UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ①UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ①UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ①UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ①

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。参加生徒の研修報告書を日本語と英語でご紹介します。

UCL Japan Youth Challenge is a summer programme for high school students in Japan and the UK. It is organized by Prof. Ohnuma, whom I met at UCL during the programme. The program lasted for 10 days, during which we stayed at Rikkyo, Cambridge, and UCL for a total of 9 days. On day 1 and day 2, we stayed at Rikkyo, where we had an opening ceremony and an ice-breaking activity. On day 3 and day 4, we stayed in Cambridge and enjoyed sightseeing and punting. From day 5 onward, we stayed in UCL accommodation, attending many lectures of different fields. The theme of this year was resilience. Through those lectures, we explored resilience from various perspectives.

The reasons why I participated in this programme include experiencing how lectures in a university are like and meeting new people to stimulate and raise myself. I take pride in successfully achieving both these objectives.

Throughout the lectures, I keenly felt my shortcomings, especially in English proficiency and assertiveness. It was evident that my English was not as strong as that of the other participants. I really struggled with understanding the lectures. I was still not used to listening to natural spoken English so it was difficult to maintain my concentration. Despite these challenges, this experience provided a valuable insight into my current skills. During every lecture, I pushed myself to participate by raising my hand. While this was quite demanding, sometimes I was able to raise my hand, thanks to the people around me who were not afraid to express their opinions.

The aspect I enjoyed the most was the presentations and subsequent discussions. We made a number of groups to give a presentation about contemporary disasters, and I chose to focus on climate change. In the process of making a presentation, I was quite surprised by the members’ behaviors. Of course, conflicting opinions sometimes emerged, but I was impressed by the mutual respect everyone showed towards these viewpoints without accepting them. Being a part of the presentation and working alongside fellow members filled me with appreciation.

Over the course of the 10 days, I was influenced by both fellow participants and those involved in this programme. I was especially impressed by how other participants consider their own future. They displayed a deep concern for their future selves and were diligently working in a linear fashion to attain their goals. That’s an aspect I want to emulate and I’m very happy to have met people who can be role models for me.

In addition, as all the participants come from different backgrounds, I had numerous opportunities to listen to various opinions in daily conversations. That helped me to broaden my horizons, which I believe will influence my present and future decision-making.

Personally, I really enjoyed interacting with people studying in Cambridge. I didn’t know that people from Japan, like them, studied at such a prestigious university abroad. The subjects they studied were especially interesting for me, for I was planning to study those kinds of things.

Through this programme, I feel that I’ve undergone personal growth. The opportunity to connect with numerous new people and engage in meaningful exchanges played a pivotal role in my development. Looking back, I consider this experience to be truly rewarding. I was very happy to have an opportunity to take part in this programme. Most importantly, I’d like to appreciate all the people who made this programme possible and valuable.

UCL Japan youth challengeはUCLの大沼教授によって企画された、日本とイギリスの高校生を対象としたサマープログラムです。このプログラムは計10日間にわたって開催されました。初日と2日目は立教英国学院に滞在し、オープニングセレモニーとアイスブレーキングアクティビティーを行いました。3日目と4日目はケンブリッジ大学の学生寮に滞在し、講義を受けたり、名物のパンティングを含む観光を楽しんだりしました。5日目以降はロンドン大学(UCL = University College London) の学生寮に泊まり、さまざまな講義を受けました。今年のテーマは「レジリエンス」でした。講義を通して、「レジリエンス」について様々な観点から探求しました。









本校はロンドン大学連合の一角を担い世界的評価も高い(QS World University Rankings 2024, 第9位)University College London(UCL)と教育進学連携協定を結び、本校生徒の英国大学進学を支えています。その一環として、2015年以来国際的なアカデミックプログラムであるUCL-Japan Youth Challengeを共催者として運営してきました。


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