Oxford Junior Programme④2023年度夏休み(7月9日-7月15日)、ハーフタームに引き続き、国際交流プログラムを実施しています。

中学生は、3つのプログラムのなかの1つである「Oxford Junior Programme」に参加しました。

中学2年生2名、中学3年生14名、合計16名の生徒たちが、ホームステイ先に滞在しながら、Wychwood Schoolでの英語レッスンをはじめとする様々なプログラムに参加し、毎日貴重な体験をしています。


Day7 7月15日(土)

今日でホストファミリーともお別れです。昨日までよりもゆっくりと朝の時間を過ごし、ホストファミリーとお別れをしました。生徒たちは一週間の感謝の気持ちを込めてThank You Card を書いて渡し、出発の準備万端! と、ここで迎えのタクシーがなかなか来ないというアクシデントが発生。生徒たちから「先生、タクシーがまだ来ません!」「もう30分も待っています!」と電話がひっきりなしに掛かってきます。もちろん、教員のステイ先にもタクシーは来ていません。これもまた「イングランド」?

なんとか集合場所にやってきた生徒たちをバスに乗せて、空港へ出発です。この日はセキュリティのストライキが予告されていたため、念には念を入れて早めに到着したのですが、ストライキは中止となって安心したと同時に、手続きが開始となるまでかなりの時間を待つことになりました。荷物をカウンター前に置いて昼食をとり、自動カウンターでチェックインを済ませます。待っている間、OxfordやCambridge の大学研修に参加していた高校生の先輩たちの話を聞いて「いいなー、楽しそう!」という声や、ホームステイなど自分たちの体験を自慢する声が聞こえてきました。これから約14時間のロングフライト。日本に帰ったら家族の方に、学んだことや思い出話をたくさん聞かせてあげてくださいね。

Oxford Junior Programme③Oxford Junior Programme③Oxford Junior Programme③


中学生は、3つのプログラムのなかの1つである「Oxford Junior Programme」に参加しました。

中学2年生2名、中学3年生14名、合計16名の生徒たちが、ホームステイ先に滞在しながら、Wychwood Schoolでの英語レッスンをはじめとする様々なプログラムに参加し、毎日貴重な体験をしています。


Day5 7月13日(木)




Day6 7月14日(金)


午後はNational History Museumを訪れました。イギリスでは珍しく朝から強い雨が続いていたため移動が少し心配でしたが、案の定傘を持っていない生徒が多く、博物館に着いた頃にはかなり濡れてしまっていました。一度入り口まで集まって集合場所を確認して、入場の予約時間までは自由時間です。ひとまずシティーセンターへ向かってカフェを探す生徒たち。肌寒い天気のためか、きっかり1時間後にはミュージアム入り口に全員集合していました。

やっと入ることができた生徒たちは、骨格標本や剥製、工芸品の数々に圧倒されつつも貴重な時間を過ごすことができました。中でも、ここNational History Museumには、人間が絶滅させてしまった動物として有名なドードーの剥製の一部が、世界で唯一残されています。Oxfordならではの見学を終え、生徒たちはホームステイ先へと帰って行きました。「今日はホストファミリーに日本食を作るんだ」とバッグから味噌汁の具材を覗かせている生徒も。ホストファミリーと過ごす最後の夜です。良い夜になりますように!https://www.rikkyo.co.uk/new/latestnews/oxford-junior-programme-3-2023/

Oxford Junior Programme②Oxford Junior Programme②Oxford Junior Programme②Oxford Junior Programme②


中学生は、3つのプログラムのなかの1つである「Oxford Junior Programme」に参加しました。

中学2年生2名、中学3年生14名、合計16名の生徒たちが、ホームステイ先に滞在しながら、Wychwood Schoolでの英語レッスンをはじめとする様々なプログラムに参加し、毎日貴重な体験をしています。


Day3  7月11日(火)



午後はChrist Churchに向かいました。学校から約5km、川沿いを歩いた先に、500年の重みを感じる建物を見ることができました。長い道のりでしたが、普段の学校では歩くことのない長い道のりを、友達と楽しみながら歩いている様子が見られました。流石に長い道のりだったので泣き言を言う場面もありましたが、クラスで仲良くなった他の国籍の生徒と、英語で文句を言う貴重な機会になっていたようです。

Christ Churchでは、生徒は大きな建物の中を、音声ガイドの指示を頼りに進みました。ガイドを用いることで、歴史深い建物とイギリスの歴史について学ぶことができました。特に幸運なことに、ハリーポッターのロケ地として知られているダイニングに入ることができました。事前指導の際に岡野校長先生から「見られたら本当にラッキーだ」と言われていた、「不思議の国のアリス」のステンドグラスも見ることができました! たくさんあるステンドグラスのうち、たった一つだけにアリスが施されており、生徒たちは上を見上げてアリスを探しながらゆっくりとダイニングを進みました。ダイニングの正面にはヘンリー8世の肖像画が大きく飾られ、生徒はイギリスの歴史を感じることができました。

またChrist Church内の広い中庭の景色は本当に美しく、5kmという長い道のりを歩き、広いChrist Churchを散策し疲れが見えてきた生徒たちも、感動してパシャパシャと写真を撮っている様子が見られました。
Day4 7月12日(水)





Oxford Junior Programme①Oxford Junior Programme①


中学生は、3つのプログラムのなかの1つである「Oxford Junior Programme」に参加しました。

中学2年生2名、中学3年生14名、合計16名の生徒たちが、ホームステイ先に滞在しながら、Wychwood Schoolでの英語レッスンをはじめとする様々なプログラムに参加し、毎日貴重な体験をしています。


Day1  7月9日(日)

前日に日本に帰る同級生を見送った生徒たちは、プログラム参加1日目の朝、6:40に起きてバスに乗り込みました。1時間半ほどの時間をかけて、プログラムが行われる先である「Wychwood School」に辿り着き、重い2つのキャリーバックを、苦戦しながら建物の中に運び込みました。

「Wychwood School」に辿り着いた生徒たちはスマホと貴重品を受け取り、早速SIMをスマホに入れてお互いの電話番号を交換していました。生徒たちはこれから始まるホームステイに、期待と不安でいっぱいのように見えました。ホームステイでは2人から3人の生徒が一緒に、同じステイ先でお世話になります。生徒からは「自分は英語がうまくないからどうしよう」「私の代わりにホストファミリーと喋ってね」「明日の朝、バスに乗れなかったら辿り着けないかも」などの声が聞こえました。「先生、電話したら絶対に出てよね」と、真っ直ぐな目で念を押されました。同時に「いやどうにかなるでしょ」「僕たちは日本食作るんだ」「犬がいるらしいから楽しみだ」などの声も聞こえました。


Day2  7月10日(月)

2日目の朝から、生徒は8:45にWychwood Schoolに集合することになっていました。早い段階から教員の電話が鳴り止まず、「先生、バスが来ません!」や、「バス停で待っていたのにバスが止まってくれませんでした」、「降りる駅のアナウンスがなかったので降り損ねました。ここはどこですか?」などの混乱を受けました。結局、全員が揃うまでには時間がかかってしまいましたが、最終的に全員が、自分たちの力で学校に 辿り着くことができました。生徒たちはホストファミリーがバス停まで送ってくれたり、昨日のうちにホストファミリーと一度学校までのバスを確認したりしていました。学校に到着した生徒たちは楽しそうに、昨日ホストファミリーと過ごした時間について教えてくれました。うまくいかなかったことや戸惑っていることは特に、ホストファミリーとの対話によって良い方向に進んで行けたらいいな、と思います。

Wychwood Schoolでは、午前中は4つのクラスに分かれて英語の授業を受けます。英語の授業は、General Englishと21st centry skillの2つに分かれています。どのクラスにも多種多様な国籍の、同じ年代の生徒がいました。生徒は初め戸惑いと不安があるようでしたが、なんとか1日目の授業を終えました。

昼食は、Wychwood Schoolの食堂でとり、昼食後の自由時間はプレイグラウンドでブランコや卓球などで体を動かしていました。何人かの生徒は、違う国籍の生徒とバスケットボールをしたり、クラスで仲良くなった生徒とおしゃべりを楽しんだりしていました。

午後は、St. Mary’s Churchにバスで向かいました。バスにはOxfordの歴史を解説する媒体がついており、Oxfordをぐるりと一周しながら、古く、歴史のある建物や街並みを学ぶことができました。

St. Mary’s Churchでは、時計台の細い螺旋状の階段を登りました。歴史を感じる煉瓦造りの建物に若干恐怖を感じながら一番上まで登ると、Oxfordの街を一望することができました。階段を登っている間は恐怖と疲労の声が聞こえましたが、高いところから見渡すOxfordの街並みは美しく、吹き抜ける風に怯えながらも、生徒はキラキラした顔つきで写真を撮っていました。

St. Mary’s Churchの時計台に登った後はOxford City Centerで解散し、各々先ほど見下ろしたOxfordの街並みを答え合わせのように練り歩き、楽しみました。Oxford City Centerから生徒は各々のステイ先に自分の力で帰りましたが、途中バスを間違えたりなどのハプニングもいくつかあったようでした。生徒は自分でバスの運転手等に英語で話しかけ、無事にステイ先に帰ることができました。https://www.rikkyo.co.uk/new/latestnews/oxford-junior-programme-1-2023/

Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑦Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑦“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。

Report about Stay at UCL
July 29th, 2023

London group sightseeing, Final ceremony, & Farewell party

What is resilience? This thought-provoking question set the tone at the beginning of the program, prompting multiple insightful approaches to decipher this somewhat elusive concept. Risa, a brilliant student from UCL, captivated the audience by commending their decision-making and relentless effort, whether they hailed from Japan or the UK. She candidly shared her own struggles during the program, resonating beautifully with the attendees and forging a strong connection.

In her inspiring speech, Risa emphasized the significance of three definitive words: embracing opportunities to conquer difficulties, welcoming new challenges, and envisioning a promising future. Her words were both motivational and grounded in reality, leaving a lasting impression on all participants present. Meanwhile, the students’ feelings about the program could be succinctly summarized in one powerful word: friendship. The value of forging meaningful connections was not limited to mere socializing, but extended to engaging in enduring conversations that shared happiness, sorrow, and the triumph over adversity. The genuine smiles exchanged among participants from diverse nationalities during their joint sightseeing experiences offered a glimpse into the essence of resilience. Ultimately, resilience emerged as a potent force to tackle unexpected events down the road, underlined by the profound sense of camaraderie that blossomed among the attendees. The program not only shed light on the meaning of resilience but also provided valuable insights into what we should consider and embrace to thrive in the face of uncertainty. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff members, volunteer teachers, and students who played an integral role in making this academic program a success. Their dedication and commitment have been truly commendable, and I am thankful for their contributions. Above all, I want to extend my deepest appreciation to Wataru Tage, the visionary organizer behind the UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023. Wataru’s leadership, passion, and tireless efforts have been instrumental in bringing this program to fruition and creating a platform for growth and learning for all participants involved. I thank everyone for their invaluable support and unwavering enthusiasm. This journey would not have been possible without each and every one of them.”

OPEN DAY ( 文化祭)10月22日(日)開催 ー 生徒たちの熱い思いを形に…OPEN DAY ( 文化祭)10月22日(日)開催 ー 生徒たちの熱い思いを形に…OPEN DAY ( 文化祭)10月22日(日)開催 ー 生徒たちの熱い思いを形に…OPEN DAY ( 文化祭)10月22日(日)開催 ー 生徒たちの熱い思いを形に…

今年度本校OPEN DAYは 「Achieve the Unachievable ~Open your heart and mind」のスローガンを掲げて10月22日(日)に行われます。各クラス展示の他、クラシックコンサート、バザー、ラッフル、茶道・剣道のデモンストレーション、ダンスなど様々な催しがあります。多くの方々のご来校をお待ちしております。

Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑥Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑥Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑥Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑥

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。

Report about Stay at UCL
July 28th, 2023

Camden Town Hall, Symposium, & Public Dinner

On July 28th, 2023, a momentous event took place, commemorating the Memorial Day for both the late Camden mayor and representative students from Kagoshima. This day held profound historical significance as it marked the enrollment of the first Japanese students from Kagoshima at UCL back in 1863. It is noteworthy that UCL stood out as the only university in the UK that welcomed students regardless of their race or religion during that time. Among the remarkable students from Kagoshima who attended UCL was Itō Hirobumi, who later became Japan’s first Prime Minister. His contributions were significant, as he established the cabinet system of government and played a key role in drafting the constitution of 1890. Before embarking on a guided tour of the captivating city hall in London, the attendees took the opportunity to reaffirm and celebrate the deep historical bond between Camden and Kagoshima. Witnessing such a heartfelt moment brought tears to my eyes, and I felt truly blessed to be a part of it. Later in the afternoon, the students concluded their academic program with presentations on the theme of resilience. Each group fearlessly faced a large audience, sharing innovative ideas to tackle various challenges, and vigorously fielded difficult questions. Although they encountered moments of hesitation, they responded with unwavering effort and dedication. The Q & A session not only honed their ability to defend their thoughts but also strengthened their impromptu skills, which I found to be valuable for their personal growth. Reflecting on my class, I realized that students might not always face such swift challenges in a typical setting. Nonetheless, I resolved to incorporate more thought-provoking questions in my teachings, fostering critical thinking and confidence in expressing their ideas. Following insightful research on disasters in Fukushima, the students engaged in an interactive public reception, where numerous organizations from Fukushima prefecture shared their ongoing efforts with resilience following the great east Japan earthquake of 2011. The celebration was enriched by the presence of many citizens from London who joined in commemorating the present restoration. The organizers thoughtfully treated everyone to delectable Japanese cuisine, showcasing Fukushima’s specialties. As I walked through the corridor of the main UCL library, I couldn’t help but notice the smiles on people’s faces from all walks of life, creating an atmosphere of unity and joy. In short, it was an enchanting and memorable evening. “https://www.rikkyo.co.uk/new/latestnews/report-of-ucl-japan-youth-challenge-6-2023/

Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑤Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ⑤

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。

Report about Stay at UCL
July 27th, 2023

Talks about scholarship spoken by the Embassy of Japan & the Japan Society,

Group work at IOE, and the London Borough of Camden event

Today marked an unforgettable day for me at the Institute of Education (IOE). The atmosphere was vibrant as students engaged in group work to prepare for their presentations while learning useful expressions to facilitate efficient collaboration. The discussions on social issues were intense and lively, almost as if inviting a series of miracles to unfold. One such miracle was the Global Round of the World Scholar’s Cup 2023, an academic competition involving exams, debates, and global discussions. This event had been on my mind for years, especially since some of my former students participated in it and eventually won a rewarding opportunity to study at Yale. While I couldn’t accompany them back then due to my schedule, I seized the chance to personally express my gratitude to the WSC committee members at IOE, my alma mater. It was a heartwarming moment. Another stroke of luck came when I bumped into Paran Amos, a distinguished professor I deeply admired, at the café in IOE. He enlightened me on the importance of materials development and fundamental teaching methods, which greatly influenced how I now organize my classes at Rikkyo School. I was glad to have the opportunity to thank him for his support from two years ago and share my current work in the UK, focusing on second language acquisition and cultural understanding for students. His encouraging response filled me with pride and honor. As if fate was in my favor that day, I coincidentally crossed paths with Li Wei, the director/dean of IOE, while he was walking with some guests. It was rare for someone of his academic stature to have time for an impromptu meeting, but my introduction as a UCL graduate from IOE seemed to strike a chord with him. He smiled kindly and showed genuine interest in my involvement with the UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023, as it demonstrated how UCL graduates are making a positive impact on the education of the younger generation. I felt honored by his encouraging comments. Lastly, my students and I had the privilege of meeting Cllr Nazma Rahman, the Mayor of Camden, who shared insights into the town’s development and its potential for future success. Her talk and the inclusive town development designs were so realistic that our students were inspired, feeling a sense of high potential for their own projects. This visit to IOE in London provided us with an invaluable opportunity that surpassed our usual days in Japan and Rudgwick. While reading books and watching lectures on YouTube can broaden our knowledge, encounters with influential individuals like Paran Amos and Li Wei serve as great motivation to study further and live a fruitful life. Overall, the day was filled with remarkable experiences that reminded me of the profound impact that fortuitous encounters can have on our educational journeys. I wish my students could feel the same way.”https://www.rikkyo.co.uk/new/latestnews/report-of-ucl-japan-youth-challenge-5-2023/

Report of UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 ④

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。

Report about Stay at UCL
July 26th, 2023

Introduction of UCL Foundation courses & Undergraduate

In the afternoon, the students were treated to three enlightening lectures on leadership and AI technology. The discussions on leadership emphasized the significance of mindsets, with both Mr. Chivers from UCL Academy and Dr. Berry from UCL School of Management eloquently driving this point home. It was evident that they valued the importance of adopting the right mindset for effective leadership. As for the intriguing topic of AI technology, the students were amazed by its immense potential to enhance and simplify our lives in the future. However, some found the research presentation a bit complex, making it challenging to fully grasp the structure and practical applications. Nonetheless, the possibilities offered by AI technology left everyone hopeful for an accessible and sophisticated future. One particularly realistic and beneficial highlight of the day was the introduction of the foundation course, expertly explained by Mr. Martin White from UCL Centre for Languages and International Education (CLIE). This presentation provided invaluable insights into the detailed process of gaining acceptance to UCL for the first time. While I had covered some of the necessary procedures in my class, Mr. White’s talk offered even greater clarity on the matter. To ensure my students succeed in their applications, I, as an English teacher, believe in providing them with numerous opportunities to excel. This includes encouraging some to become president of the student council, engaging in volunteer work, participating in academic competitions, or presenting their school life discoveries at conferences. By offering these experiences, my aim is to help them stand out and excel in their applications. Yet, I do observe that some Rikkyo students might be hesitant to venture into new challenges that are essential for their personal growth. While our school provides plenty of exciting academic programs, some students seem reluctant to take on more demanding tasks. It’s crucial that they take the initiative to broaden their horizons and develop themselves further, as it’s only with such determination that they can surpass their expectations and secure spots at prestigious international universities like UCL. In conclusion, I sincerely hope that my students will embrace a proactive approach and push themselves to achieve more. With their own drive and determination, they can truly make a positive difference in their lives and reach new heights of success”https://www.rikkyo.co.uk/new/latestnews/report-of-ucl-japan-youth-challenge-4-2023/

UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ④How the Experience Changed My ThoughtUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ④How the Experience Changed My ThoughtUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ④How the Experience Changed My ThoughtUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 報告書 ④How the Experience Changed My Thought

“夏期休暇中に英国で行われたUCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023に本校からも4名の生徒が参加しました。参加生徒の研修報告書を日本語と英語でご紹介します。

Before talking about my report on this program, I think I should talk about the reason why I chose this. At Rikkyo School, we have many programs during the extended summer vacation. They are all attractive, but I decided to join this UCL-Japan Youth Challenge 2023 because this program has the most opportunities to study with students around the world. Although there are numerous chances to speak and listen to English at Rikkyo, I was drawn to interacting with local students to gauge my progress compared to high-achieving peers and to identify areas for personal growth.

Considering the fact many Japanese participants were also involved, you may assume I get less motivated about it. However, students from Japan have not only high academic potential but also have clear thoughts for the future and current problems. To be honest, this was the most impressive thing for me in this program, notwithstanding the good overseas experience.

The program was one of the most precious experiences that I had. This is because how much I could improve my English was dependent on my effort, but it certainly provided extensive English-speaking opportunities. Therefore, I always tried to speak things in English when I had free time, lunchtime, and transfer time. As a result, I enjoyed every single conversation with other participants. In fact, the English used in casual conversation is really useful and it is one thing that I couldn’t absorb in the school education.

As I said, the impression from Japanese students was more striking than other experiences because of their continuous effort in every moment. They have similar education, culture, and behaviors. In my view, most Japanese are shy when compared with other nationalities. However, none of the Japanese participants were too shy to challenge themselves. Maybe they used to be shy but I think they were aware of their purpose to join this program. That puts some pressure on me. Of course, I also have a purpose to join this program, but they also try to make their dream come true, analyzing themselves more than I am supposed to do.

From the experience through the program, I believe I acquired many more things than I expected to. At the same time, however, I have realized my weakness a lot, which made me want to improve myself even further. To this end, I will never forget the things that I have experienced as much as I can in the future. Most importantly, I will keep in my mind that what’s valuable is friendship built in this program, which I believe will last forever.






