その中で、地元の町 ホーシャムの市議会議長 Cllr Leonard Crosbieさんから頂いたご祝辞をご紹介致します。
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Cllr Leonard Crosbie
I am delighted and honoured to be here at the RIKKYO School on the 40th anniversary of its foundation.
Over that time the School has sought to ensure the physical, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing of the students in an environment which one parent has described as “providing a family like atmosphere and in which the School never stops improving”. I admire the parents and the students who decide to seek education in England…a land so far from Japan.
In these days of globalization, the internet, Google, ets., and with ENGLISH becoming the common language of commerce, aviation, communications and medicine, the School under your Headmaster Mr. Munechika and staff, offer the ideal environment to prepare students for today’s challenging and competitive world.
The School’s work with local communities is greatly admired and Horsham would be delighted to engage with you in any such activities.
Thank you for your invitation and I wish the School and the students every success in the future.
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理事兼卒業生代表 8期生 須藤達哉(欧州三井住友海上英国支店長)
Thank you very much for your introduction.
My name is Tatsuya Sudo. I am a graduate of this School. I am also one of the School’s Trustees representing all the graduates who now live in the UK. I have been kindly asked by the Headmaster, Mr. Munechika, to make a short speech in English during Rikkyo’s 40th anniversary celebration.
When I first joined Rikkyo, this School had just celebrated its 10th anniversary. At that time I gave no thought to what this School might look like 30 years later, and absolutely no idea that I would be standing here saying a few words at its celebration.
It was back in April 1983 when my father drove me to this lovely School for the first time. We had moved from Tokyo to London that year due to my father’s new assignment. I was 15 years old and I wore the exact same uniform you are all wearing today. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon with bright sunshine; a perfect day to go for a drive. However, the purpose of this drive was not for sightseeing but taking me to a boarding school called Rikkyo. As we covered many miles down the A281, I saw the sheep, horses and cows in the lovely peaceful countryside. But I remember
also having a concern; “What kind of school exists in such a peaceful place?”
First impressions were not good. That first evening at Rikkyo, the dinner served to each pupil was a bowl of soup, 2 slices of ham with lettuce, a bag of potato crisps, followed by one green apple for dessert. For 15 years old boy that was still growing, it was obviously not enough to satisfy my hunger and I remember I was starving all night. The dormitory was not a private room as I had hoped; it was populated by 12 pupils. The time you sleep and the time you wake up was dictated by the school. Was this the lifestyle that I would suffer for the next 3 years until graduation? On that first night I remember lying in my bed, hungry and with tears in my eyes, fearing that I would not last for a week before I called my parents to bring me back home.
Three years later, on the very last day at Rikkyo before graduation, I was crying again. However, this time I was crying because I had fallen in love with this School and did not wish to leave. Contrary to my first impression, the lifestyle at this School was a perfect fit for me.
During my three years at Rikkyo, I learnt how to work effectively in teams, how to integrate into the community, how to be a leader, and the importance of complying to rules. These are just a few of the skills I learned at this wonderful School, all of which contributed towards making me the person who I am now. And of course the friends I made here are still one of the most precious treasures I have earned in my life. Rikkyo has been a hugely positive influence to my life, for which I will be eternally grateful.
Of course it was my parents’ decision, not my own, to choose this exceptional school.  My father, who drove me down the A281 all those years ago, is now 77 years old. He has retired and enjoys playing tennis every day. My mother sadly passed away 2 years ago at the age of 67. I do not recall having ever thanked them properly for making such a good decision about my education. Taking this opportunity I would like to say to my parents “Thank you so much. Your decision was absolutely right. You gave me the most precious educational experience I could ever have.”
So, to the current generation of students studying at Rikkyo, I would like to say this; “It is a privilege to spend your school life in such a wonderful environment.” Whilst you may not realize that now, I can assure you that when you’ve grown up and look back on your school days, you’ll agree to that statement. I urge you to treasure the experience of studying at Rikkyo, and try to enjoy yourselves during the special years you study here.
As a graduate and one of the Trustees of this school, I feel it is part of my responsibility to be an advocate for the School and inform other people about how wonderful this School is. I hope you will share the same feeling with me when you become graduates of Rikkyo.
My loving school Rikkyo, congratulations on your 40th anniversary. I am extremely proud of being a graduate of this school, and it is truly a great honour to be given this opportunity to congratulate you on this special anniversary.
Thank you very much!
その中で、本校の理事でもある立教大学総長 吉岡知哉さんから頂いたご祝辞をご紹介致します。
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立教大学総長 立教英国学院理事 吉岡 知哉


その中で、地元クランレーの牧師 Nigel Nicholsonさんから頂いたお話と40周年感謝祈祷をご紹介致します。
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Collect for 40th Anniversary
Rev’d Canon Nigel Nicholson
I say to the young people here, I speak as one of your ex-chaplains. I was chaplain at this school for 18 months and I well remember Bishop Paul Saito and Mary, his lovely wife. Now you’re all going off on holiday and you come back on September the 9th and I won’t be here, because I retire on September the 2nd. Whoopee! And I came to this parish when this school was 17 years old, I have been in Cranleigh for 23 years and one of the most special parts of my ministry has been here, in this school and seen you at Cranleigh and I take with me when I go into retirement wonderful memories of a superb school, wonderful staff, great children who work far too hard but are really industrious in what you do. Many memories of seeing you in church. The girls giggling, laughing and taking photographs with the usual ‘V’.
Thinking of the two flags of Japan and England, we did beat you in World Cup at football, but red and white, the sun and the cross, the son of God Jesus who died for you and me, wherever we come from and that’s a wonderful thing. We are bound together on a journey of faith, of goodness and love. And when we sing the school hymn, I’m proud to sing it too, here in Southern England stands midst the hills our school. Day by day it’s girding us with the precepts of love, binding us in friendship with the name of all lands to search out together the way we should go. If when we work together and above all when we pray together we will listen to God and he will help us to understand each other better.
As I say when I go into retirement I shall remember you and I will continue to pray for you: the governors, the teachers and the children of this lovely school. And so a prayer of thanksgiving, for forty wonderful flowering years of this school, let’s bow our head.
‘Heavenly father we bless you for the vision for those who saw this school taking (  ????   ) in the land of England, for those who had the vision to teach and to encourage young minds, to broaden their horizon and to share your gifts with us all. We thank you for the teachers who have shown the children the best way to live and have given them a grounding and a foundation of faith and goodness and love. We thank you Lord for the governors who have supported and cared for the school and the many visitors who have been part of it’s journey. Bless each and every one of us as we continue our journeys from this day onwards. Bless this school, that it may continue to grow and flourish and produce upright men and women to serve you in this world today and may the Lord bless you, this school in all that it does in the name of the Father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen’.
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立教英国学院校長 棟近 稔
Mr Akira Imamura, Minister, Embassy of Japan
Cllr Leonard Crosbie, Chairman of Horsham District Council
Honoured Guests, teachers, parents, students and friends of Rikkyo School
I should like to thank you all for joining us today to help celebrate this important milestone in Rikkyo School’s history. I should especially like to thank those who have flown from Japan for this occasion. It is lovely to see so many familiar faces, including old friends, old boys and former colleagues.
We are honoured to have the presence of the Consul General from the Embassy of Japan, the Chairman of Horsham District Council, both the President and Vice President of Rikkyo University, President of Rikkyo Womens College, Rev Martin King and Rev Canon Nigel Nicholson, Headmasters of Rikkyo Ikebukuro, Koran Jogakuin, Teikyo School, and Japanese School in London, representatives from St Catherine’s and Millais Schools among others.
This has been a year for celebration: Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Olympic Games in London.  And today we celebrate our School’s 40th Anniversary.
Rikkyo School was founded in 1972 by the first headmaster, Yasushi Agata, with the idea of educating the children of Japanese parents working abroad, in both Christian and Japanese traditions.
It was the very first Japanese private school outside Japan. At that time, nobody dreamt of starting such a school outside of Japan. I cannot help but admire Mr Agata’s foresight, courage and determination. When the School opened its doors in 1972, there were just 19 primary school children. At that time, the School looked very different to today – with only the current girls dormitory (we still call it the main building) which had to be used for accommodation, classrooms, dining room as well as staffroom and office!
I first came here in 1977 – the year when the School celebrated its 5th Anniversary, and the Queen celebrated her Silver Jubilee! I used to live in that main building next to students, and was often woken up by the smell of frying bacon wafting from the old kitchen! Over the years, the School has had its ups and downs. While Mr.Usuki was the headmaster, the School expanded and the many buildings we can see
today were built through generous donation from many Japanese companies. Now we have well over 2000 alumni working all over the world.
Last month, we welcomed a former graduate who visited the School from Japan. He is now a representative of a Japanese cosmetic company and was visiting the UK to oversee his company’s European expansion. He told me that one of his long-standing ambitions was to see his product displayed in Debenhams in Guildford – and he had just fulfilled that ambition!
Today we have 147 students, and I am happy to add that two of them are second generation Rikkyo School students.
Last year we experienced the terrible disaster in Japan. I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the kindness of the local community who contacted the School with messages of sympathy and many who gave their support following the disaster.
It reminds me quite vividly not only how much this School has been supported by the English people for these 40 years but also the importance of our school’s existence in England being a bridge between English and Japanese people – a legacy from its founder who declared the School as being for the “mutual friendship and understanding of our two nations, Great Britain and Japan”.
Today, the importance of the bond between nations, the bond between people is far greater than 40 years ago.
As we move into the next decade of the School’s history, Rikkyo School must continue to act as a bridge between two nations and two nationals. I am proud that our
School is firmly established within the local community: our annual Open Day is always well attended; and we hold an annual Japanese Evening for pupils and parents from local schools as well as Friends of the School. Our students also help with local fundraising activities. Many of our students also have the opportunity of staying with local families, giving them the chance to experience English life and to practice their English. Just some examples of how our School is working to develop cultural awareness and understanding between our two nations.
In a world of increasing globalization, I believe it is our mission to produce the next generation who can work in harmony together, in a future world.
Our School’s achievements are due to its dedicated teachers and staff, and in no small measure, to the strong support of its Trustees, parents and friends, many of whom are here today.
I am confident that Rikkyo School will continue to grow from strength to strength, and I should like, once again, to thank you all for joining our service of thanks and celebration today, and for your continued support.
