この3月をもって6名の方が退任されました。添田保彦先生(地理 36年勤続)、梅澤司先生(国語 5年勤続)、ラッセル先生(G.C.S.E. Biology 11年勤続)、ミセス・ウッド(校長付秘書 17年半勤続)、男子寮のクリーニングレディースのミセス・ダッドマン(22年半勤続)と、ミセス・ジョスリン(7年半勤続)。長い間ありがとうございました。

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あの日から始まった          添田 保彦

2年で帰るつもりがあっという間の36年。短かったような、いや長かったような。思い出すのは生徒と過ごした日々。色んな事が起き、思った日々。生徒がいたからここまで来られたのだと思う。(反面教師でしかなかったかも…)生徒に一番感謝している。英国の自然・鳥・羊・きつね、リスさんにも同じく感謝して、さようならとありがとうを言います。 皆さん、お元気で。

From Mrs Wood

I initially came to Rikkyo as a part-time English teacher 18 years ago, and was delighted to be offered the position as Headmaster’s Secretary the following year. I have always enjoyed coming to the School in its beautiful setting and experiencing all the seasons here,
particularly the Spring, when the cherry blossom is so spectacular.
Everyone I have worked for has always been appreciative of my efforts and, although sometimes demanding, I have always found my job very interesting. I love the calm atmosphere here, with occasional bursts of exuberance from the students – always a delight to hear.
I am looking forward to spending more time with my grandchildren, although I will miss the School, so I plan to return for concerts and Open Days.
My one regret is that I didn’t make an effort to learn Japanese, beyond the essential phrase, when answering the telephone to a Japanese speaker, “Sho sho omachi ku dasai!”

From Mrs Russell

I would like to thank the staff and students for making my 12 years at the Rikkyo School very happy ones. I have always been amazed at the students’ determination to achieve the very highest of academic standard – and in a foreign language!!! I have to admit they have been very supportive in my lack of ability in learning more than a few words in Japanese. What I will miss most is their sense of humour and eagerness in answering questions. My time with them has enabled me to have an insight into the Japanese way of life and unique culture. It is a culture that produces an inner calm and tranquillity. I leave with the fondest of memories.

Good morning everyone.
I’m so glad to be with you today and to be standing here. It was four years ago when I entered this school. I remember feeling so glad of the opportunity to come to England and experience a new environment which is completely different from Japan. As you know, the school premises are so vast and surrounded by open fields, cows, horses, wildlife etc. This school is filled with things that I never experienced in Japan, especially in Tokyo.
I clearly remember the day before coming to England. My eyes refused to close and my heart was full of expectation like a child who is waiting for their birthday presents. But expectation and reality are not always the same. This school was no exception.
Our time was organized strictly and we were given a considerable amount of time to study which made me feel frustrated. We were not allowed to bring snacks from Japan. We were not allowed to go into other people’s rooms. And we were not allowed to even have girlfriends.
In Japan, teenagers like me spend time just having fun or just talking with their friends. We couldn’t do what the Japanese teenagers normally did. Actually I regretted coming here at first because it was too hard for me to adapt to life here.
However, I had no choice but to follow the rules like “when in Rome do as the Romans do”. But as I got used to the life at RIKKYO, I found that there were many positive things aside from the disadvantages.

My year particularly loved events like OPEN DAY or SPORTS DAY. Every time these events approached, we used to prepare extensively and were very excited. It was rather strange because we loved these events so much. Actually I don’t remember studying any subjects before entering grade 3 even though there are clear memories about events in my mind. In the run up to OPEN DAY, there were no classes and no self studying. I think this time was the time when we had the most freedom. But this freedom didn’t mean that we could do whatever we wanted. In this limited period we concentrated on coming up with innovative ideas and developing our creativity. Sometimes big arguments occurred between students because of each students’ very strong opinion. However eventually we forgot all about that and focused on our WORK. Thanks to these experiences we made BRILLIANT things with no regrets. The OPEN DAY which we worked on together and spent so much energy on will remain in my mind forever.
Another time which I remember well is SPORTS DAY. I especially remember this day because it was the last big event I ever attended at RIKKYO before going through the hell of study. The memory of sports day is so profound that it can be somewhat emotional to revisit it. We had been practicing a lot and had spent a lot of time on it.
But sports day itself came astonishingly quickly. It was like a dream. Everyone looked as though they felt satisfied and fulfilled after the day. I know the English expression which says “it’s not about the winning, it’s about the taking part”. But I disagree with that because I believe in that most of the satisfaction gained from sports is in the desire to compete and win. Two things equally important for life in general. So I really want the younger students to participate fully in sports days and make great memories.

To tell the truth, I have been very nervous ever since my teacher told me that I was going to make a speech at this graduation. I’m talking in English now, it’s so strange for me and for you. When I came to this school, my English was really bad. I’ve never been to international school or local school in England. I couldn’t speak English at all. Actually I even found it
difficult to ask the way to the station in English. I’m not joking. If I look back, it’s hard to believe I’m standing here and making this speech. But the one thing that really helped me was that I liked speaking English. It’s so cool, isn’t it? But it doesn’t matter why you like it as long as you do. Motivation is somehow connected to the improvement of English. People often mistakenly believe that they will be able to speak English by just staying in an English environment for a year. To my mind though, as long as you are reluctant to learn English, you will never become a good speaker. This is a conclusion which I arrived at through experiences in RIKKYO school. I really appreciate this school giving me opportunity to keep in touch with English and teachers who taught me English. I’m really glad to speak in English in front of you and EC teachers.

Finally, I will never say that everything in this school was positive and enjoyable. There were many things I couldn’t manage alone and struggled to get over. But every time I confronted some difficulties, my beloved friends helped me and cheered me up. The time I spent in this school is unforgettable and unfortunately will never be repeated. Irrespective of our year’s reputation, I’m nevertheless proud of my year and proud of my friends. If I hadn’t come to RIKKYO school, I would have never met them. It made me think that it was a good decision to come here.
I’d like to finish by saying that I will be so sad to depart from my friends and younger students who I spent more time with than my family as we all go our separate ways. And also sad that we will never again gather at this school.
I still can’t believe that today is the last day that I will be here. But occasionally it is necessary to say farewell. I also want to say thanks to the teachers, my friends and my family.
I said in the first part of my speech, we couldn’t do what Japanese teenagers normally did. But we could do what Japanese teenager never experience and learn the important thing that I can acquire only in this school. I’m sure that I’ve become stronger mentally and physically through the experiences in this school. I will never regret coming to this school. I wish everybody here success in their future. Thank you very much.

Hello. Now, I will talk about my life and friendships in Rikkyo. Please ignore my grammar and speaking mistakes.
Well, I came to Rikkyo when I was middle school 2nd grade, about 2 years ago.
Now, before I talk about my life in Rikkyo, I’ll talk what I thought about Rikkyo, before I came here.
Before I came to Rikkyo, I heard that student had to pray every morning, they couldn’t go out whenever they wanted, and they had many table manners, and so on. So, to tell the truth, I wasn’t looking forward to coming here. And when I came here, as I expected, I got confused about the rules. The thing that I got most confused about was the atmosphere. I couldn’t join in to their atmosphere, and I had a hard time to join in with them. But in the meantime, there was an eruption in Iceland, and many students couldn’t come to entrance ceremony, so I had a time to speak with them one by one, so I can join in with them. And now, I have many friends in many grades. I’m really glad of it.

Now, let me talk about my 15 classmates. There are 8 boys and 8 girls including me.
They are cheerful, and sometimes clever. We are always fooling around, but they are good students, whenever they should be, I suppose. There is a girl who is always talking about animations. She always sings in the classroom. Listening to her, and enjoying it, is the girl who can speak brilliant English, better than me. Third, there is a boy who is very shy, so he can’t speak with the girls for a long time. He’s very good at football too. There are 2 more classmates who are good at football. One boy, who came this term, is very polite. The other boy always makes us laugh. There are 3 classmates that are so funny, and always in the centre of us. They are 2 girls and 1 boy, and they are very good friends to each other. By the way, in our classroom, there is a giant, and a barbarian. The giant, is over 185cm, and very good at computer. I think he could be an engineer. And the barbarian is the nickname for the girl who is very energetic, but unfortunately, she has a disease on her leg. I hope she will be fine soon. We have a painter in our classroom, too. He’s very good at painting, and he is always thinking about enjoyable things. I respect him very much. Also, there is a girl that I really respect.
She’s so intelligent, and good at playing sports. I have never seen such a clever girl. On top of that, there is a girl who is absent-minded all the time. But she’s very friendly, and gave us lots of advice. I can never thank her enough. There is a girl who is always sleeping in the classroom. She is very boyish, and it’s very fun to talk with her. At last, there is one more boy, who isn’t here for now. He’s compared to a sun. He always shines on us, and makes us happy.
Well, I did many things with them. I got happy sometimes, and got mad sometimes. There are good memories, and bad memories. And when I think about those memories, I reach to a word which is [thank you]. I had many memories because of my classmates. I couldn’t have many happy memories without them. I want to say a huge thank you.
I want to say thank you to my older students, younger students, and also to the teachers. I gave many troubles to them, especially to Mr. Koda. He’s my homeroom teacher for 2 years and taught me many things. Really thank you.

So, I’m really proud to meet these wonderful people, and I’m really proud to graduate from this school. I’ll never forget these 2 years, because these 2 years were so special to me. And finally, thank you to all of you for listening to my long speech. Thank you.





3月10日(土) 、2011年度卒業式が無事終わりました。


中学部1年では,将来,希望する職業,希望しない職業について,調査しました。その結果,希望する職業としては,1位がデザイナー,2位は医師,外交官,国連職員でした。クラスの自習時間の様子では,英語を習得しようという意識が高く,入学した4月にアルファベットの練習をしていた生徒たちが,今では,英語の問題集はもちろんのこと,英検の準備や,高校生が主に参加しているREADING MARATHONにも挑戦し,現在では半数以上が参加しています。これも将来の夢と関係があるのではないかと思います。ちなみに希望しない職業の方では、医師,政治家,教員といった”先生”と呼ばれる職業が不人気のようでした。

(高等部2年生 男子)

あっという間に人だかりが出来た。毎年この時期になるとダイニング入口のホールに、日本で受験をしていた高校3年生たちの努力の成果が貼り出される。立教大学を始め、早稲田、上智、青山学院… etc. 先学期までここで一緒に生活していた先輩達の名前が「祝合格」の文字の下に合格大学名とともに記され次々と掲示されていくのは毎年後輩たちの良い刺激になっている。
丁度この日はEC(英会話)の授業で最も頑張った学年の生徒達にSpecial Dinnerが用意される日でもあった。白いテーブルクロスがかけられた特別テーブルには他のテーブルとは違う飲み物やデザートが並び、そこで6人のイギリス人の先生と一緒に特別な昼食をとる。今学期この栄光にあずかったのが高校2年生。高3の先輩たちがいなかった間にしっかりと最高学年の貫禄をつけてきた。毎晩12時までの自習、先生方の代わりを勤めるテーブルマスター、礼拝のアコライト、そしてECの授業ではElmbridge Villageを訪れ老人達と積極的に懇談もした。それらの努力が形に現れた栄光だった。


*   *   *
答えてくれた人  8人
答えてくれなかった人 15人     合計23人
Q.1 How often dou you come to godalming?
・一年に1回 2人
・週に4回 3人
・週に1回 3人
Q.2 What is the main reason to come to Godalming?
・店を観に来た 2人
・ショッピング 3人
Q.3 Where is your favourite place in Godalming?
・Godalming全部 2人

「お内裏様とお雛様は右左、どっち?」 「じゃあ、今年は関西式にしようか。お内裏様が右だよ。」

