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Dear Headmaster


I write today to all of your staff and students as well as yourself about the tragic events in Japan and to express the deep sorrow of all my family members at the suffering and problems left by the tsunami which so ravaged to North East coastal region of your beautiful country.


This Sunday all my family were present at family lunch and of course the unfolding events were before us.

The family grace extended to a prayer for all of you and we all wish to convey these sentiments and hence I write to you as head of the family.


Of course I hope and pray that none of you suffered personal loss but if any did I wish to convey my family’s personal commitment to pray for you daily since that is something positive we can do, when from a such a distance it is possible to feel so useless.


The presence of the school at Sunday services at St Nicolas Church is always very uplifting and joyful for us.

Many of the Church folk I have spoken to have expressed deep sorrow too but also a sense of solidarity with the Japanese people at this time.


When I look at the TV pictures of the devastation and then see, in spite of the shock and loss, a sense of determination on the face of the people I am strangely moved by the character and dignity shown and have a sense that Japan will recover.


The solidarity I referred to above will remain a permanent memorial to what has occurred.


May God bless all of you.

We are, in appreciation






Dear Headteacher


Following the recent and devastating events which have taken place in Japan as a result of the earthquake off the coast of Japan and the resulting tsunami, all the staff and students here at the Weald School in Billingshurst would like to offer our sincere condolences and very best wishes to everyone at the Rikkyo School whose families and friends may have been affected by these events.


It is difficult to imagine the sheer scale of the disaster, and the massive amount of work that will be needed to clear debris and rebuild the affected areas.


Our thoughts are with you and any of your students and staff whose families and friends have been affected by these events, at this very difficult time.

If there is anything that we, as a local secondary school, can do to help in any way, please do not hesitate to let us know.


Yours sincerely,






Dear Sir


On behalf of the Cranleigh & District Lions I write to express our sympathies for the terrible loss of life in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami.

The pictures and reports coming from a stricken country have been shown graphically the suffering of those who have lost loved ones, their homes, and possessions and had their lives changed in such a brief but catastrophic moment.


Lions Clubs International have many branches in Japan and, together with Lions Clubs International Foundation, we are already on the ground and helping. 


We sincerely hope that none of your pupils or staff have lost loved ones in this most terrible of disasters.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have suffered and will continue to grieve in the days, weeks and months, even years to come.

I hope that you can find some comfort knowing that the local community also shares your sorrow and that Lions across the world are, as I write, showing solidarity to our Japanese colleagues and their distressed country.


Yours faithfully






Dear Headmaster, Members of Staff and Pupils


It is with great sorrow to see the devastation the tsunamis has caused with great loss of life, it is a dreadful sight to see on our television screens, so to actually be there and have this happen around you must be absolutely terrifying.


Our thoughts and prayers go out to all in Japan and especially to you who are thousands of miles away, you must feel wretched.

Take strength that the Japanese people are a very dedicated and determined race who always strive for excellence. Your determination will bring you through this dreadful hell on earth situation.


My wife and I will pray especially for you and your families in Japan, that you will all overcome this and become a stronger nation, our christian love to all at Rikkyo.


Yours sincerely,







Dear Sir


After the events of the last few days in Japan and the vivid coverage seen on television, one can find it impossible to contemplate the severity of the situation and we must feel great sympathy of the people suffering the traumas that have been heaped upon them in such a short space of time.


Being out of the country, either as a pupil or a member of staff at Rikkyo must create the feelings not only of worry for the missing friends and relatives but of hopelessness in such a situation.


Please convey our thoughts, sympathy and our best wishes to all who are concerned.


Yours most sincerely






Dear Headmaster


We have watched with horror and sadness the devastating news from Japan. Nothing could have prepared your country for such tragedy.

Our thoughts are with your students and staff and their families. We do hope that all are safe.


Yours sincerely






Dear Headmaster


I write to send you and all your staff and students my sincerest sympathy following the terrible disaster which has befallen your country.

We, the residents of Elmbridge Village, have enjoyed many happy afternoons when your pupils come and regale us with Christmas carols and I should like you to know that you are much in our thoughts. 







To members of staff and all pupils who have witnessed the tragic events in your homeland over the past days, please, on behalf of my family and friends, accept our support and deepest thoughts at this time.

As further detail of events unfold you will all need extra support and the strength of hope and understanding.

Rikkyo School is strong and in so many ways unique. The staff and pupils will together overcome all events.
