この3月をもって6名の方が退任されました。添田保彦先生(地理 36年勤続)、梅澤司先生(国語 5年勤続)、ラッセル先生(G.C.S.E. Biology 11年勤続)、ミセス・ウッド(校長付秘書 17年半勤続)、男子寮のクリーニングレディースのミセス・ダッドマン(22年半勤続)と、ミセス・ジョスリン(7年半勤続)。長い間ありがとうございました。

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あの日から始まった          添田 保彦

2年で帰るつもりがあっという間の36年。短かったような、いや長かったような。思い出すのは生徒と過ごした日々。色んな事が起き、思った日々。生徒がいたからここまで来られたのだと思う。(反面教師でしかなかったかも…)生徒に一番感謝している。英国の自然・鳥・羊・きつね、リスさんにも同じく感謝して、さようならとありがとうを言います。 皆さん、お元気で。

From Mrs Wood

I initially came to Rikkyo as a part-time English teacher 18 years ago, and was delighted to be offered the position as Headmaster’s Secretary the following year. I have always enjoyed coming to the School in its beautiful setting and experiencing all the seasons here,
particularly the Spring, when the cherry blossom is so spectacular.
Everyone I have worked for has always been appreciative of my efforts and, although sometimes demanding, I have always found my job very interesting. I love the calm atmosphere here, with occasional bursts of exuberance from the students – always a delight to hear.
I am looking forward to spending more time with my grandchildren, although I will miss the School, so I plan to return for concerts and Open Days.
My one regret is that I didn’t make an effort to learn Japanese, beyond the essential phrase, when answering the telephone to a Japanese speaker, “Sho sho omachi ku dasai!”

From Mrs Russell

I would like to thank the staff and students for making my 12 years at the Rikkyo School very happy ones. I have always been amazed at the students’ determination to achieve the very highest of academic standard – and in a foreign language!!! I have to admit they have been very supportive in my lack of ability in learning more than a few words in Japanese. What I will miss most is their sense of humour and eagerness in answering questions. My time with them has enabled me to have an insight into the Japanese way of life and unique culture. It is a culture that produces an inner calm and tranquillity. I leave with the fondest of memories.
