



My teacher has taught me many environmental issues in school, but this term’s class on environmental problems was one of the classes in which I have learned the most about it.

During the holidays, I made a poster focusing on Transition Town and Zero Garbage Day. I was impressed by the transition town activity as I didn’t know about it before being taught in this term. When I heard about the environmental problems, I imagined reducing garbage and carbon dioxide; however, I found out that in Transition Town, in order to stop depending on oil, preventing the progress of environmental destruction and shifting to a sustainable society, citizens voluntarily think about local life and act with consciousness every day.

Also, after coming to school, I was able to listen to everyone’s presentations. This led to a deeper understanding of various environmental problems. In my friend’s presentation, I was surprised that vegans are also involved in cosmetics. She presented LUSH as an example. This was a shop I had visited, so when I learned that the shop was working on solving environmental problems, it made me more determined to pay attention to more things when shopping and the next time I go to LUSH.

We constantly produce garbage, so I think it’s important to keep in mind when throwing away trash and buying new things. Therefore, I would like to work not only on 3Rs but also on 6Rs, which aims to reduce plastic waste. I think it is especially important to reduce plastic waste to protect the future of the sea. For example, avoid getting plastic bags when shopping, or use your own bottles instead of plastic bottles. Now that coronavirus is prevalent, I think that using a reusable bag or water bottle will prevent infection because there is less contact.

In conclusion, I would like to act to protect the environment, even if it is trivial, in order to make the world a comfortable place to live in the future.
(333 words)

(高等部3年生 女子)
