
講演はすべて英語で行なわれました。講演をしてくれたのはAashish Balaji先生(写真上)とElizabeth Gonzalez先生(写真下)です。お2人ともスライドを用いた分かりやすくてユーモアあふれるプレゼンテーションをしてくれました。Aashish先生はインドに生まれ、そのあとドバイ、カナダと移り住む中で築いた国際色豊かな人間関係について、Elizabeth先生(私たちはBettie先生と呼んでいます)は両親のルーツであるメキシコの伝統や、大好きなアメリカ西海岸の話をしてくれました。






エリザベス・ゴンザレズ(Elizabeth Gonzalez)


Howdy!  My name is Elizabeth Gonzalez, but you can call me Bettie.  I have come a long way to get here. I was born in Los Angeles, California, and my parents came from Mexico before that.  When I was 17, I flew across the country to study at Yale University, near New York. I majored in American Studies at Yale, which meant studying a lot of literature, history, and race relations.  After I graduated, I drove back across the country to study education at UC Berkeley, near San Francisco, California.  I have been teaching high school English ever since, and I absolutely love my job!

Although my first language is Spanish, I know that English is a powerful global language. Because I know English well, I have been able to attend some of the best universities in the world and travel to 10 different countries in Latin America, Asia, and Europe.

I love music, art, being outdoors, meeting people, and eating tasty foods! I look forward to working at Seijo High School and helping students learn English so that they, too, can travel the world and make friends everywhere they go! Please, introduce yourself to me and share what you love: music, places in Japan, or something tasty to eat! I am very friendly, so please ask me any questions you might have.

アーシシュ・バラジ(Aashish Balaji)


Hello, My name is Aashish Balaji and I’m here at Seijo to work as an Assistant English teacher through the JET Programme.  I’ve traveled a long way from Canada and this is my first time in Japan but I love it here.  I am a recent graduate of Lakehead University in Canada with a degree in Psychology.  I believe that English is a very powerful tool in today’s world so I want to help the students here as much as possible.  I am very interested in using new technologies in class to aid learning, as well as creating lesson plans by working closely with other teachers.

In my spare time, I like playing music, reading, working with computers, and walking around unfamiliar parts of Tokyo.  I am a big fan of anime and manga, and I listen to Japanese music so I’ve had experience with the art and media of Japan.  If you have any questions for me, please leave a note with your email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.  Thanks for being here!
