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(株)共同写真企画 撮影①

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東京都新進個人戦 準優勝!

<戦 績> 2019東京都新進大会個人戦
準優勝     1ペア
ベスト16   1ペア
ベスト32   4ペア
ベスト64   4ペア

★ 明法高校ソフトテニス部では「中学時よりも高い競技実績」を狙えます!
<中学時>                <明法高校進学後>
A君 地区予選敗退(県大会出場権なし) → 2019インターハイ個人戦出場!・2019都新人個人戦5位!
B君 地区予選敗退(都大会出場権なし) → 2019インターハイ団体戦出場!・2018都新人個人戦5位!
C君 都大会初戦敗退          → 2019インターハイ団・個出場!・2019関東大会出場!
D君 都大会初戦敗退          → 2019インターハイ団・個出場!・2019全日本私学大会出場!
E君 都大会初戦敗退          → 2019インターハイ団体戦出場!・2019都新人個人戦9位!
★ 高校部・中学部ともに部員募集中(強化指定部)!


iCLA×明法高校「高大連携調印式」 ~主体性を持って課題解決できる人材の育成へ~

3/12(木)、本校においてInternational College of Liberal Arts(以下、iCLA)と明法高等学校における高大連携協定の調印式が行われました。専任教員と学生の比率が約1:7という国際基準の少人数環境における英語での徹底したリベラルアーツ教育を通して、世界の課題を主体的に解決できる人材の育成を目指すiCLA。同様に、「世界平和に貢献できる人材の育成」を目指し、少人数教育の中でグローバル教育を推進する本校が、今後親和性を活かした教育連携を図っていくことになります。概要は以下の通りです。





・本校のGlobal Studies Program(GSP)に関してはこちらをご覧下さい。


スーパーグローバル大学での挑戦 ~GSP卒業生録001~

本校の建学の精神にある「世界平和に貢献する人材の育成」を実現に向けたプログラムの1つである明法Global Studies Program(以下、GSP)。GSP卒業生の活躍を連載する記念すべき第1段は、現在広島大学工学部で学ぶ本校51期卒業生のK君です。K君はスパーグローバル大学・トップ型指定校である広島大学に現役進学後、同学が主催するGlobal Peace Leadership Program(GPLP*)に見事合格し、中国の大連理工大学で半年間の留学を経験してきました。以下、先般本人が母校明法へ帰ってきてくれた際のインタビューの内容です。

*GPLP … SGUの広島大学が実施するリーダーシップ力や平和への理解等を養うためのカリキュラムを履修し,海外留学を通して国際的教養力を育む特定プログラム。

Q1. 留学中に一番心に残ったことは? 様々な国籍の人と交流できたことです。私が生活したのは大学内の外国人留学生専用の寮で、世界各地から年齢・性別問わず様々な国籍や人種の人々が生活する環境でした。国・地域それぞれに特有の文化や習慣があり、それだけ生活スタイルがあります。時には日本人の生活スタイルからすると受け付け難いようなこともあり不満を感じることもありました。しかし,そういったことを含めて様々な国の人々と交流することで、日本にいてはふれることのない文化や価値観、考え方を見聞することができた(異文化交流ができた)ことは貴重な経験だと心に残っています。

・さまざまな国籍の学生 クラスメイトや寮のご近所さんなど初対面の人とは必ず国籍の話になり、国籍を尋ねると中米、南米、ロシア、東南アジア、東アジア、中央アジア、中東、アフリカ、ヨーロッパとまさに人種のるつぼ。多民族国家というイメージのない中国においてこれほど多くの国・地域の人々と交わる機会があったことに大変驚いた。
・ムスリムとの交流 イスラム教は一日に複数回お祈りをする。朝早くに礼拝する姿を見かけたり、朝晩になると香ってくる彼らの作る料理の香辛料の香りだったり、イスラムの独特のライフスタイルは非常に興味深かった。彼らとの交流の中で最も気を使ったのは食事。中国語(漢字)を読めない人も多く、一緒に食事に行く際は助ける機会も多々あり彼らの役に立てたのはうれしかった。

Q2. 後輩に向けて、留学生活でやってほしいこと・留学への心構えや姿勢は? 留学中に心掛けてほしいことはメモなり記録に残すことです。留学というのは日々新しいこととの出会いです。勉強においても新たな単語・文法・式など新しいものにあふれています。それらをその場限りのものとして処理するのではなく、ノートや日記にまとめることを強くすすめます。学んだことは日々見返すことでしっかりと定着していき、思い出は次々と上塗りされていく記憶のなか、日々の思い出や経験・その時の感情をいつでも振り返ることができ、貴重な財産となるでしょう。

Q3. 高校時代のGSPターム留学を振り返って、今に活きていることは? 高校時代に留学を経験したことによって、留学や外国語を日常的に使うということへの抵抗がなくなったことと、「新たな環境に身を置いて高みを目指していこう」と挑戦していく姿勢が身にいたと思います。 Q4. 後輩である明法生たちへのメッセージ 高校での留学経験や海外経験(海外語学研修含む)が、大学での生活に大きな影響を与えます。留学のみならず、明法中高が提供してくれる「活かせるチャンスには積極的に挑戦し」、勉強・部活動・遊び,何でも様々なことをどんどん経験していってほしいと思います。

本校のGlobal Studies Program(GSP)については こちら をご覧ください。







Hello, Mr. Kamakura.
Five weeks have passed since I came to Australia. Time passes fast. I came back from camping yesterday. That was my first camp. I slept in a tent and cooked ourselves. In activities, I did mountain biking and surfing. I was happy that teachers and students often told me “Good job!!” and I fully enjoyed Australian nature. Also, I talked a lot with my tent partner in English. The camp made me so tired but everything became a good memory.
On weekends, host families often take me for a drive. I went to a lighthouse and saw the beautiful sea. Last week, I made Japanese food for my host family. It was the first Japanese food I made for them and they were very glad about that.
Every day is so fun and I don’t want to go back to Japan. I will do my best to enjoy the rest of the study-abroad life to the full. On the other hand, I often hear about coronavirus when I watch TV. Please take care of yourself.
From A.I.

Dear Mr. Arakawa,
I will send you a report about my life in Australia.
The First topic is my school life. School bus comes to my host family’s house at 8 o’clock, and it arrives at our school at around 9 o’clock. We have 6 periods from Monday to Thursday. On Friday, we have only 5 periods! We have some subjects that are different from Meiho’s, for example, Chapel, Humanities, Encounter, Sports (we also have PE). Humanity is History. Encounter is to read the Bible. I’m not a Christian, so Chapel and Encounter are especially difficult subjects for me. My classmates help me many times. They are very kind. My favorite subject is music. In the music class, we don’t have language problem so much. I can enjoy the class like other Aussie students. Japanese students who choose music class are going to play an ensemble together by each instrument in front of all students someday. I’m already nervous!
As you know, my school has primary school’s freshmen (Year-1) to secondary school’s highest grade (Year-12). They spend time on the same campus, so I also have younger/older friends! They are very friendly. My grade (Year-10) students are very good terms like family. Maybe some students grew up together since they were primary students (Year-10 has only about 20 students! They are seperate 2 classes). They are interested in Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat (similar to LINE) and Korean idols. It is similar to students in Japan. My friends taught me dances of Tik Tok during lunch time. They also taught me Australian hand games. It is more difficult than Japanese one! Then I taught them Japanese hand game “Arupus ichi manjaku.” It was fun.
Now I want to write about recess time. We have recess between 2nd period to 3rd period for 20 minutes. We can eat some snacks during that time. I am already used to this habit, then I will have to do hayaben every day. At the end of the day, I ride a school bus and go back home. I arrive at my house 4 o’clock (3 o’clock on Friday). It is almost 4hours earlier than my usual time in Japan.
The next topic is my holy days. I’m going to tell you about last Sunday. That day was sunny and hot. The temperature was 35 degrees. Around noon, our school had FAMILY FUN DAY. It was not an event we must join, so older students almost didn’t come. I spent time with my friends (Year-9&8 girls) and their siblings. We played basketball shooting. Everyone could get lunch for free at this event. I ate nachos (for my first time!), fruit salad, and drinks. We could have a second helping! I got second nachos. I liked it. After Tug-of-war, we also got ice candy! It was a hot day, but I enjoyed the time under the sun. After that event, I went to the Phillip Island beach with my host family’s friend. It was a good weather to go to the beach. I played with her daughter. We enjoyed swimming in the sea and playing in the sand on the sandy beach. We walked along the beach. We found natural pools on beach. There were shells and few tiny fish! The view was really beautiful. I was moved. I liked the sea.
I can’t believe February is finished. In March, I have Year-10’s camp. I’m excited.
I hope Meiho students and teachers are fine.
And I wish Meiho baseball club members good health and good luck.

Dear Mr. Kamakura
When I started studying, I thought that two months would be very long, but it’s almost only a month left… Anyway, I’m on the basketball team in Australia now, and we keep winning! I’ll do my best because I don’t have much time left. At school I was able to make some friends!! So, I have a good time at school. Recently cold days continue, but on hot days my host family takes me to the beach for swimming and surfing. I am always surprised for Aussie culture, but it is good.
Finally, let me tell you that I am so enjoying my home stay, too!!
From A.S.

Hi, Mr. Kamakura.
Almost 5 weeks passed since I came to Australia. I want to write about my host family. There are three people in my host family. My host brother and sister always talk to me and they are so kind. I really like them. They are younger than me. I sometimes go to the beach, go shopping or go to interesting places with them. They tell me how to enjoy life here, so I can fully enjoy my time. The other day, we went to Phillip Island. It is an island in Melbourne. We can see beautiful beaches from there. We swam there and played with the sand. Also, I took pictures with my host sister. I really liked the place so I want to go there again.
In this week, I went to AAMI Park. It is a soccer stadium. Also, it was my first time to watch soccer game. It’s a national team. It was really exciting to watch the game. It was a match between Melbourne and British team. We were cheering for Melbourne’s team. At first neither team was able to score, so I felt bored actually. But soon after that Melbourne’s team scored a shot, the game got exciting. Finally, Melbourne’s team won the game. It was really amazing.
I wanna tell you something. It is about the three words which you told us. I always say “Thank you.” to everyone who helps me. Also, I always help housework at host family’s house. And I try to keep smiling. So don’t worry about anything.
From N.Y.

Hello, Mr. Arakawa.
How are you? It’s been over a month since I came to Australia. I have gotten used to life here and I feel that every day goes by very quickly.
There is a swimming class at school every week. I take a school bus and swim in a citizens’ pool. Swimming class is very fun and it is my favorite class.
I made salad rolls in my cooking class. When I was in Japan, I didn’t cook at all, but in Australia I started to become interested in cooking because I had the opportunity to cook Japanese food for my host family, cook it in school, and cook a lot.
There was a swimming carnival a week ago. The students wore fancy clothes and colorful clothes such as red, blue and yellow. It was a very good experience.
I went to the zoo with my host family on Sunday. There are a lot of Australian animals that are not in Japan, so it was very fun.
From A.S.

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
Hi! The time passes really really fast!! I’ve stayed here for a month. In my heart, I’m afraid of coming to the end of this stay, but I will do my best in all things till the end, spending precious time with Australian people. From now on, I will tell you about my life as a report.
First, I will tell you about my school life. I enjoy every day with many people. My favorite subjects are English, Mathematics, Science and Music. I like learning about the things that I don’t know in English and Science classes very fun. And I will have a music concert (maybe Chapel class) with the other 2 Japanese students. I will play the violin and the others will play the piano. Actually, we don’t have enough time to practice, so it’s hard for me to complete the song! I want to show you our efforts. However, I’m not good at Encounter, Humanities and Chapel. I’m not Christian, so it takes many hours to understand the Bible, Christian world. But I will do my best to be a real student. By the way, I feel the difference of Australian school. It’s not so strict to the time and students are still outside even after the class chime! Also, sometimes teachers have been eating lunch or food during the class! All atmospheres make me surprised. They are really loose, and do not think of the scores (maybe).
Incidentally, all students are really kind and generous. I enjoyed the swimming carnival, the cross-country and so on. I spent time with many students beyond the House or the grade. Doing that without using honorific expressions to show respect to senior students is for the first time in a long time. That’s because there are no Sinocentrism, I think.
Second, I’m going to tell you my sightseeing memories. My host family takes me to a lot of places, though they are already tired from working. Every week, all host family members gather and share the time. Also, I went to the city for a whole day with only the other 3 Japanese students. I thought it was too short a time to visit all the places. We took a train for an hour and arrived at Flinders Street station. It was very different from the city of Tokyo. There are many trams as subways in Tokyo. I know there are trams in Japan, but in Australia, we can get them for free, also buses, trains in the city!! I wonder why the government can manage transfers without fare.
Oh, I write too much! I hope you wouldn’t feel bad,,, Thank you for all the support. See you, “mite”!!
From T.O.

Hi, Mr. Kamakura,
This exchange program has only roughly one month left. Time flies when I’m being with funny friends. However, my English is getting better day by day. This week, it was so strange weather. One day it was so hot, the other day was so cold. What’s more, it starts raining hard suddenly. My host mother said “4 seasons in 1 day” as Australian weather is funny. I’ll use it to tell people in Japan about Australian weather when I go back to Japan.
We enjoyed a buffet. I got stomachache afterwards because I ate too much. Also, I made okonomiyaki for my host family. They can’t eat pork because they are Buddhists, so I used shrimps instead of pork. Lastly, I went to a Valentine’s day party. My friend’s family picked me up for the party on their car. We enjoyed dancing, singing, and eating chocolates.
I’ll do my best for the last one month.

Hi, Mr. Arakawa. How are you going?
This week I feel very good. I became used to school a little. I could talk to friends from me about music. I like western music, so I could talk with them continuously. I was able to make friends. Among them, my friends of year 11 is very kind. She guides me to the senior school building and I meet her after school. She gives me a toast. She is one year older and interesting. In March, she and I will go to the city of Melbourne. She also contacted my host mother and explained about it properly. I’m looking for that. Also, my classmate girl invited me to go shopping. She gave me her old school uniform.
On February 15th, I went to a market in Dandenong with my host mother and host sisters. That was a good place. I ate pizza and bought some souvenirs there. On 16th, my host family and I went to a small festival. I ate sausage sizzle. The host mother told me it was a famous food in Australia. After eating, I understood the reason. That was simple but delicious and I liked it. I hope I can eat it again. After that, we went to the back of the house and picked blackberries. On 22nd, We went to Phillip Island after lunch and I saw a lot of animal…Koalas, kangaroos, emus and penguins and so on. Also, we went to the beach and swam. That day was a wonderful day for me.
On weekends, everything is new and fun.
From A.H.

Hi, Mr. Kamakura.
How are you? I really enjoy the life here. One day, my host mother said to me “Can you make sushi?” and I said “No. But I want to try it!” so I made sushi for my host family and their friends. It was the first time for me to make “Norimaki,” but I could make them well. They ate them and said “It was delicious.” I was happy to hear that. And I thought I would try it again for my family in Japan.
We have to write diary every day, and our group coordinator checks it every Friday. She read my diary and she said to me “Your diary is so good! I enjoy reading it every time. I can learn a lot about Japan from your diary. Thank you!” so I was glad to hear that. I didn’t like to continue one thing every day like a diary, but I can keep on writing it every day!
I caught a cold from temperature differences. My host family were worried about me so much. They are very good people. I have heard that Victoria in Australia is a State with a wide range of temperatures. I will do good physical condition management and I will enjoy the rest of the life in Australia.

Hello, Mr. Arakawa.
I am enjoying to stay in Australia! I love my school!!
At first, I couldn’t make new friends and I was anxious. But this week, I could try to talk with school girls and I enjoyed it so much! Our school students are so kind and they teach me many things.
By the way, in this week we don’t have any classes. Instead, yesterday and today we went to a tech school and we designed arcade game. It was done in a few groups. My group made a kind of casino. I helped to make a cabinet. It was so fun for me.
When the game was completed, l was so glad. Our arcade game was pretty good! l have never done like this activity in Japan. I’m enjoying it very much now, but l have only 1month here. I’m so sad, so I want to enjoy more and make many more good friends!!
From A.I.

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
Hello. How are you? I just enjoy the life here. This weekend, I went to great ocean road with my host family. I saw Twelve Apostles and London Bridge. Those were so powerful as the waves were so high that day. I really enjoyed the view! And I went to cheese workshop and chocolate workshop. I tasted about ten cheeses. I also challenged my weak blue cheese. I discovered it is delicious. We bought plain cheese and garlic cheese and we ate them together. It was delicious! And I also get a delicious chocolate! I’ll eat with my friends. I look forward to it. I like to go to school. Because I can talk with my friends about music. My friends have rock band. I often talk to them about instruments and rock music. It is really fun. Some of my friends learning Japanese. We promised to meet when they come to Japan! I have a friendship that will last even after studying abroad. And I have one more fun thing. My karate dojo in Australia get ten newcomers! I am very happy to have more friends. It is fun to be exposed Japanese culture from abroad. I’m looking forward to what fun I have next week!

ターム留学(GSP) 21世紀型海外研修  海外大学指導など

・Global Studies Program(ターム留学)に関しましては こちら をご覧下さい

・21世紀型の海外研修(希望者全員参加可能)に関しましては こちら をご覧下さい。

・海外大学進学指導に関しては こちら をご覧下さい。

2020年2月26日 ・・・ 【GSP】ターム留学生の近況報告②は こちら から
2020年2月10日 ・・・ 【GSP】ターム留学生の近況報告①は こちら から
2020年1月28日 ・・・ 【GSP】ターム留学結団式は こちら から
2020年1月6日 ・・・ 米国の大学生(本校卒業生)が語る、日米の高等教育制度の違いは こちら から
2020年12月28日 ・・・ 1250分間超えの英語合宿! ~English Shower Camp 2019~は こちら から
2020年12月19日 ・・・ 【GSP】英語で学ぶ日本文化講座(後期)は こちら から





令和元年度 明法高等学校卒業式 校長式辞


明法高等学校校長 牛来 峯聡













1月29日(水)にオーストラリアに向けて出発した、ターム留学第10期生からのメールレポート(第2段)の一部を掲載します。現地校での学習がスタートしてから1ヶ月弱が経ちました。最初のうちはだいぶ苦労していた留学生たちですが、各種イベントや授業、昼休みなどを通して、友人も増えたようです。コミュニケーションも少しずつとれるようになり、それにともなって気持ちもポジティブになってきた生徒が増えているようです。日本との文化の違いに戸惑いつつも、豪州特有の授業科目を楽しんでいる生徒もいるようです。これからはどんどん吸収できる時期に入ります。「困難を乗り越えつつ成長を遂げる」留学生たちの健闘を応戦しています。 (注)来年度より、ターム留学の行き先が「1人1校留学」を実現するためにカナダ・オンタリオ州に変更になります。時期や費用に関する大きな変更はありません。 ターム留学担当者へのメールを英語の原文のまま掲載しますので、ぜひお読み下さい(留学生の氏名はイニシャルに変えています)。

Hello, Mr. Kamakura.
Three weeks have passed since I came to Australia.
In my daily life in Australia, I felt a lot of stress from culture shock and differences in life style. However, when I feel stress, I try to take a break and go to bed early.
At school, I can’t understand what teachers and students say because they talk too fast. But I ask my classmates or teachers what I should do. Thanks to them, I can understand them a little bit now. On the other hand, the mathematics class is too easy for me. We study liner equations at school. That was studied when I was a junior high school student in Japan. So, it is very easy!!
These are the pictures I went to the sea and an amusement park with my Meiho friend and her host family. We rode a roller coaster. That roller coaster is the oldest one that is made of wood. It is said that the speed is different every time riders apply a brake.
I am enjoying my life in Australia. I won’t forget smile, thank you and help. And I will do my best.

Good afternoon, Mr. Kamakura.
3 weeks have passed. I am enjoying staying here. I made many friends in Emmanuel College. Also, I met many people and good host parents. Now I will talk about my life in Australia.
First, I joined a track and field club. I joined it last week, so no picture of it… Sorry, but I will take photos and send some to you next time.
Second, I took part in Park Run twice, yesterday and last Saturday. In last Saturday’s one, I ran in Warrnambool. And yesterday, I ran in Port Fairy. I both won the 1st prize! I was very glad!
Third, I saw many interesting birds in Australia, for example magpies, emus, and pelicans. There are lots of birds that we cannot see in Japan! They are very cute!!
As I wrote above, I am enjoying Australian life! I will talk about host parents and my school life next time.
Best regards,

Hello, Mr. Kamakura. I have enjoyed staying in Australia! I’ve realized that people in Australia are very friendly and interesting. They are always smiling and often say hello to other people. One day, I went shopping with my host mother by car. On the way to the shopping centre, a running woman went into a puddle. She and my mom hadn’t known each other, but they smile at each other. At the moment, I thought Australia is a peaceful country. I’m enjoying school too. When we went to the school for the first time, three students: T. – she is from India, S. – she was born in Australia, M. – she is from Cambodia and other international students started looking after us. They are very kind and funny. We can’t speak English well, but we have been able to laugh and solve any problems so far.
One day, we had an art class and we drew something we like. I drew a tomato that a pencil stuck into. T., who was sitting next to me helped me with my drawing. It is one of the pictures I sent you. This has become my treasure. S. is not only funny, but also serious. She often raises her hand and ask teachers questions. Australian schools are very different from Japanese schools. When they have questions, they raise their hands to be answered, but we don’t do it in Japan. Why don’t we do that? I think it’s better to change Japanese classes’ atmosphere because if we do it, we can get to know something that the other people in classes doubt. In addition to it, we don’t get sleepy. Everyone can concentrate on the tasks. That’s why I believe that we should create easy-to-speak atmosphere.
I love Australian people, Australian food, Australian view, Australian nature and so on. I love Australia! But actually, I don’t like Australian roads. This is because all of them look the same. I got lost three or four times, even if I was near my house. The worst thing was getting back to home from school one day. I walked the same road many times. I couldn’t use the Internet, so I had to find a way home without maps. I asked some people the way to some places, but I couldn’t get home by myself. I called my mom and asked her to pick me up. I’m getting used to Australian road these days because I became brave.
I have tried many things. I will continue to do that. My family members are very nice people. They often worry about me. When I cook something, they always eat them with smiling and saying “It’s good!” I cooked udon, miso soup, tamagoyaki, ehomaki and mitarashi dango. I made some mistakes making them, but they ate them without complains. They are very good cooks too. All of them like cooking. I love all the dishes they make. Especially, I like hot sandwich made by my mom the best. It has tomatoes and cheese. It’s really enjoyable! I didn’t know the word “enjoyable,” but I was taught it by our coordinator, Mrs. J. She is sometimes scary, but she is as funny as my mom.
We have English classes on Tuesdays. We learn about Australia. It’s interesting, so I love Australia♪ Today, my mom, my brother and I went to a beach. The ocean was very very beautiful! Some people were swimming, but we just walked along the beach and took some photos. On the way home, we went to my mom’s favorite cafe to have lunch. We had chicken hamburgers, fresh fruits and mixed juice. I loved them. Tonight, my brother and I will cook dinner using beef. I’m looking forward to doing it. I want to make more good memories in Australia!!! I don’t miss my home in Japan, but I miss Meiho high school. I want to see my friends and teachers. Good bye, Mr. Kamakura. I’m sorry for the late submission of this report.
From N.K.

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
First of all, I am sorry to send an email late. I send you a report about my three weeks in Australia. On the day we arrived in Australia, I heard from my coordinator that my baby host sister broke her leg and my host mother was taking her to the hospital and I was very worried about her, so I spent time with my host brother and his grandmother. She still wears a cast. On Monday, my school life started. My host brother goes to the same school as me, so I always go to school with him. The school is about 25-minute walk from home. I enjoy my school life. However, it is difficult to understand what other students say. They speak very fast and use Australian slangs. Also, it is difficult to take classes in English. On the weekend, my host mother took me to the place where you can feed animals. It was fun. She also took me to GUMBUYA WORLD. It is a theme park with a pool and a zoo. I really enjoyed it. I enjoy life in Australia so much, so I want to enjoy the rest of about 5 more weeks.
Regards, S.C.

Dear Mr. Kamakura,
Almost all the students including me get to school by car, When I go to Meiho by trains. I miss Japanese trains because I love trains a lot!!
Students in Australia like to play outside, so teachers lock the doors of school buildings during recess and lunchtime! No one plays inside!! In my host school teachers ask students to make a presentation in several classes. Last week, I talked about school life at Meiho. I said “we have only lunch time, no recess.” My new friends were shocked! I guessed that it came from the differences between cultures.
To make new friends, students here use social media. Japanese students use “LINE” basically, but my new friends use “Snapchat.” I didn’t know about that! Some of my friends like “Snapchat,” but others like playing video games.
It’s the end of February now. The time I can enjoy school life with my new friends and spend time with my host family is only 1 more month. I am sad. But I’m looking forward to meeting you at Meiho in April!
From M.F.

Hi, Mr. Kamakura. I got a little used to my life in Australia.
I ate duck for the first time last week. Every Saturday, everyone gathers and eats fish and chips. I enjoy a lot of experiences unique to Australia.
I enjoy school life, laughing with many friends too. I take classes in humanities that we don’t have in Japan. I’m learning about Australian politics but it is very difficult for me to understand. I copy all the slides used in the class in my notebook and then I look up words in a dictionary which I don’t understand and finally summarize the contents in another notebook. I review my notebook and try to memorize the words. I manage to understand every class because I have a lot of friends to help me here.
I want to introduce them to you, but I can’t take pictures because we are not allowed to use a phone at school. Instead, I send you pictures of my notebook and the kangaroos I met today.

Hello, Mr. Kamakura. I miss you.
I am having lots of fun in Australia. The school I attend is very fun. I already made many friends. They are so kind and funny. I play basketball with them. It is very different from Meiho but I’m getting used to it. I like the atmosphere of school in Australia. I go there by bus with my friend W. Australian accent is hard for me to catch but I don’t have any problems so far. I had swimming carnival last Monday. I got sunburn.
I watch and play basketball every day. I have game every Tuesday. I miss basketball practice that I did in Japan and I miss my coach. I went NBL game last weekend. The stadium was very big and full of basketball lovers. I enjoyed the game very much.

Hi I’m S.K. Three weeks have passed since I left Japan. I forgot that report assignment because I enjoy this life with my host family every day! My host family is a four +two (parents, a sister, a brother, a puppy and a bird). Everyone loves the puppy, Roxy! Actually, my host father has come to Japan to watch games of rugby! Their house is so large and they have a TV room and big garden! It’s easy for me to spend time with my shoes on because when I go outside or return to my room, I don’t need to think about taking shoes off. Not unpleasant! I saw my host sister skating in the living room before!
My host sister named M. is so cute and likes Japanese anime. We go to school together from this term. She is only twelve years old but she looks like high school student. She also goes to drawing anime class and I go there together. We like “SAO” each other so I’m happy to talk about this anime! She has a lot of friends at school. I met some of them. Recently one of them came to our house. Then I played Wii U with her, my host sister and brother. We had a great time! After that I sometimes meet her and talk in school.
My host brother named L. can speak Japanese a little! He is really kind. He sometimes helps my chores (at first he thought I’m guest!). He is good at using a laptop and has many of them. He goes to taekwondo dojo twice a week. I visited the class at once. He is also good at taekwondo!
They are really nice siblings. We sometimes walked with a dog Roxy. They really love Roxy…!
My host parents tell me a lot of things about Australia (animals, birds, bush fires, environment etc.) and they take me some great places every weekend! I went to the city of Melbourne (Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Block Arcade, street art and Queen Victoria Market), zoo, farm, chocolate factory and cheese factory. And last weekend we rented a house near the beach and stayed there for three days! I swam in the sea for the first time. I was a little scared because the waves were very strong and dangerous. The sea was scary but the dinner was so tasty! I also enjoyed table tennis at night with my host family. I had a very good match with L. (M. was simply cute).
They consider me as one of their family members. It’s important for me. I realize I’m learning about different culture. As one of this family, I help something that I can. I always help cooking, walking with Roxy and taking rubbish outside (This is my chores). But I cannot thank them enough. I also tell them about Japan. I made NIKUJAGA and SHIRATAMA for them and told them ITADAKIMASU GOTISOUSAMADESITA ~KUN ~CHAN ~SAN. After that they called Roxy “Roxy-chan”!
I go to Catholic Ladies College now. The school is very hard for me because nobody speaks slowly! In addition, we discuss in almost all the subjects! Not so many writings! I have come to understand about the class little by little but I cannot still discuss with my classmates. So I write contents of discussion and after school I translate them into Japanese. It’s a really nice way to understand classes. My favorite subject is fashion & design, religious education and mathematics (←please tell Mr. Ito …w) because I can understand the math class. Religious education is fresh for me. In this class, we relax and meditate! (lecture is hard)
I have a good news. I am successful in making many friends. They are very kind and always funny. They ask me about Japan. We talk a lot so after lunch I become thirsty! I talked with them about everything. I told them about SANRIO vocaloid etc. I learned that Australian eat kangaroo meat, some people have them bodies pierced and people who are sixteen years old can drive a car! Talking is hard but very fun! I think I have good communication well. One day, my friend said to me, “You are popular in this school!” I was very very surprised! Actually, I talk with different age students a little (M.’s friends or a girl who takes the same bus). I enjoy talking with many people. I still haven’t taken pictures. I’d like to send pictures with my friends next time!
I realize that between Australia and Japan there is different cultures, feelings, the environment and anything else through this life. However, I don’t feel unpleasant at all! But… when I saw a spider like a tarantula at home, I was really scared. The house that we stayed for three days! I think here it is more comfortable than Japan. I think Australian people are relaxed and don’t feel stress. I want to live here forever! I don’t want to leave here!
I think my English skill is improving. At first, I could not answer some questions but now I can ask myself and understand talking between my host mother and sister a little. I also went to a cinema and watched English movies! I can understand about… forty percent… I watch the program called “The project” with my host father every day. Today, I can understand… about sixty percent…!
I’m going to change my host family soon so I ‘ll try something more than now!

I arrive in Melbourne on January 30. After that I met my host family. It was my host father’s birthday on that day, so we ate pavlova, traditional Australian cake. There were many fruits on it and it was so yummy.
Next day, I went to school with my host mother by bus and it was my first time going to my host school. I was surprised on a bus because the speed of the bus was very fast. In Australia, many people talk on the phone in the bus or train. It is not good in Japan to talk on the phone. However, in Australia, it seems OK. On the bus, people can not fall asleep because bus drivers do not tell us when we reach bus stops.
In school, I made some friends. In lunch time, my Filipino friend taught me a few Filipinos and I taught her a few Japanese. I thought English class in Australia was easier than Japanese class in Japan because we watch movies and write a report about them. But math class was a little difficult because we study things that I did not study in Japan and Australian students use good function calculator.
At 7-eleven, water is about $ 4 but frozen drink is $0.8 or $1. Water is the cheapest drink in Japan but in Australia it is very expensive. In the city, it’s much cleaner than Tokyo because there are many rubbish boxes.
On January 31, I made pumpkin soup with my host mother. It was very fun and the soup was yummy. Sometimes I cook with her. I want to make Japanese food for the family next week.



H先輩  一橋大学大学院 社会学研究科 総合社会科学専攻(人間・社会形成分野)修士課程2年
M先輩  慶應義塾大学 文学部 人文社会学科 1年

N先輩  青山学院大学 理工学部 化学・生命科学 3年
I先輩  群馬大学 教育学部 理科専攻 1年

明法の進路指導については こちら をご覧ください

中3研究旅行最終日 タクシー研修

部屋の片付けができた班から順に出発です。今日は各班、どこへ行くのでしょうか? 2日目の班行動で他の班が行ったところで、予想以上にお金がかかるとの情報を聞き、急きょ特別にコースを変更した班もあります。


A1班 清水寺-太秦映画村-京都タワー
A2班 伏見稲荷大社-清水寺-京都美術工芸大学
A3班 仁和寺-龍安寺-立命館大学-京都タワー
A4班 京都大学-慈照寺-平安神宮-二条城-シェイクシャック(ハンバーガー店)
B1班 嵐山渡月橋-竹林の道-野宮神社-嵐山商店街-二条城
B2班 平安神宮-銀閣寺-京都大学-龍安寺
B3班 伏見稲荷大社-平等院鳳凰堂-伊藤久右衛門(クッキーがおいしい)

いかがでしょうか? どの班も楽しそうですね。学習ポイントも入っていますし。いってらっしゃい!

中3研究旅行 帰路につきました

新幹線に乗車し、席に着くとすぐに静かになってしまいました。もう話し飽きたのでしょうか? 寝る人、本を読む人、なんと英語の勉強を始める人まで・・・!

